Talk with your Brightway agent about your Auto insurance needs. He or she can customize a policy that is just right for you. When considering how much Auto insurance to buy, consider the assets you have to protect. If you're single and just starting out, perhaps you can choose lower Liability limits than if you're more established with more assets to protect. Also consider the vehicle you're insuring. If it's older, sometimes it makes sense to drop Physical Damage (Comprehensive and Collision) coverage. You should also consider how much you can afford for both premium, the amount you pay for your insurance, and deductibles, the amount you pay out of pocket before the insurance company pays on a covered claim.
If you buy Physical Damage coverages for your car, you'll be asked to select a deductible. This is the amount you will pay out of pocket before the insurance company starts paying on a covered loss. Be sure you can afford the deductible you select.
- Have your United Lynk agent shop around for you. He or she will find the combination of coverage and price that's right for you. - Review your coverages. Depending upon your needs, you may be able to change/eliminate coverages to help save money. - Review your deductibles. Raising your deductible can lower your premium, but be sure the deductible amount you choose is affordable for you. - Consider dropping Physical Damage coverages on an older vehicle.
While different companies use different information about you, all companies use some form of information about you (your age, address, Insurance Bureau Score), your driving history (tickets, accidents and incidents) and your vehicle (year, make, model) to determine your rate.
Simply put, it's a form of your credit score. It takes into consideration how financially responsible you are. Today, nearly all insurance companies use some form of this information when determining your rate. Why? It's simple: It's been proven that there is a relationship between how financially responsible you are and your likelihood of being involved in a crash or claim. To learn more, visit the Federal Trade Commission website.